Your open-source app for real-time transit information
لا تفوت الحافلة مرة أخرى!
OneBusAway serves up fresh, real-time transit information in the following regions:
* Rogue Valley, Oregon (RVTD)
* San Diego, California (SDMTS)
* Seattle/Tacoma/Puget Sound, Washington (Sound Transit, KCM, Pierce Transit, Intercity Transit, and more)
* Spokane, Washington
* Tampa Bay, Florida (HART)
* Washington, DC (WMATA)
* York Region Transit, Canada (YRT / Viva)
* More coming soon!
Find nearby stops on a map, choose from a list of favorite stops, add shortcuts to your phone's home screen, and set reminders for frequently used trips.
- Like hacking things? OneBusAway is open-source! Find out how you can help at http://OneBusAway.org.
- Problems with arrival times? Real-time arrival information comes from your local transit agency. Please tap on the arrival time and select "Report problem with trip" to tell them what went wrong. Or, reach them via email by tapping "Menu->Help->Contact Us".
- Problems with the app itself (eg, crashes)? Please submit a crash report if prompted, or email us via android-app@ OneBusAway .org.
- Want a sneak-peak at new versions? Sign up to be a beta tester at http://bit.ly/oba-android-beta.
- Want to know why we request certain device permissions? Find out at http://bit.ly/OBA-Android-permissions.
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يمكنك بسهولة تنزيل الإصدار الأحدث من OneBusAway! على موقعنا الإلكتروني. لا حاجة للتسجيل أو إرسال رسائل نصية قصيرة!